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5 Reasons to Consider Nonsurgical Body Sculpting

5 Reasons to Consider Nonsurgical Body Sculpting

According to data from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, nearly 400,000 people opt for nonsurgical body sculpting treatments every year in the United States — almost double the number of people who opt for liposuction. While liposuction is an invasive technique designed to eliminate larger amounts of fat, nonsurgical body sculpting uses cold or heat energy to break down fat walls and “liquefy” isolated areas of fat so your body can dispose of it naturally.

Regarding the techniques used, the biggest difference between these two options is obvious: One is surgical, and one is not. That key difference leads to other nonsurgical body sculpting benefits that are worth noting.

At Sanctuary Cosmetic Center, Soheila Rostami, MD, FAAO, FAACS, and Joseph K. Davidson, MD, FACS, offer two innovative, state-of-the-art options for nonsurgical body sculpting for their patients in McLean and Dulles, Virginia: Coolsculpting® and Liposonix®. If you have areas of stubborn fat you want to eliminate, here are five reasons to consider these nonsurgical approaches.

No surgery means fewer risks

The name says it all: Nonsurgical body sculpting means you don’t have to have surgery to see your beautiful results. With noninvasive fat loss, treatments are applied through your skin using energy designed to target fat cells specifically while leaving surrounding tissue unharmed.

Nonsurgical techniques also mean there’s no need for anesthesia, there’s no bleeding, and there are no sutures — all of which means nonsurgical body sculpting is associated with far fewer risks compared with liposuction surgery.

There’s no downtime

Another big advantage nonsurgical body sculpting has over liposuction: There’s no real downtime after treatment. Yes, the treatment areas may be a little sore, and the skin over the areas may appear red — but these are temporary effects that quickly resolve and don’t impact your ability to maintain your normal routine.

Liposuction is associated with tissue trauma and bleeding that can cause swelling and discomfort afterward. Plus, because liposuction is surgery, there is a recovery period afterward during which your activities will be limited.

Results develop naturally over time

Nonsurgical body sculpting eliminates fat by breaking down fat cell walls, essentially turning the cells into liquid debris. Over the next weeks, your body removes debris and eliminates it through your natural waste stream.

During those weeks, you’ll see your results literally take shape as the fatty debris gives way to those sleeker contours. Your results will appear naturally as diet and weight loss work over time.

It works where diet and exercise don’t

Nonsurgical body sculpting targets those flabby areas of fat that just won’t go away, no matter how much you diet and exercise. As a result, it’s a great solution for people near their ideal weight but who need a way to finally banish the bulges and enjoy slimmer, sleeker contours. 

It’s also worth noting that body sculpting isn’t designed to remove large amounts of fat, which is another reason it’s so ideal for those isolated areas of fat tissue. And while nonsurgical treatments eliminate fat just like liposuction, you should still commit to healthy eating and regular exercise to keep neighboring areas in check (just like liposuction).

It’s an amazing confidence-booster

Even though it’s not designed to remove large amounts of fat, nonsurgical body sculpting can dramatically affect how your body looks. 

By eliminating stubborn areas of fat, you’ll feel more confident in the clothes you wear and more confident about the overall impression you’re making. If you’re at or near your ideal weight, you’ll finally see the sculpted results of all your hard work.

Body sculpting vs. liposuction

At Sanctuary Cosmetic Center, we offer liposuction and nonsurgical body sculpting, which means our team can recommend the ideal approach for helping you achieve your goals. No matter which approach you choose, scheduling treatment now means your body can be beach-ready when summer arrives.  

To learn more about our techniques, book an appointment online or over the phone with the team at Sanctuary Cosmetic Center today.

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