
Lift and Rejuvenate the Neck and Jawline 

What is MyEllevate? 

MyEllevate is a minimally invasive procedure for rejuvenating the neck and jawline. It targets the platysmal bands of the neck and addresses the jowls along the jaw. Small, scarless sutures are placed in the neck to cut the bands and tighten them. It can be described as an endoscopic neck lift. 

At Sanctuary Cosmetic Center, we combine MyEllevate with various customized non-invasive options for the best result for each individual, such as Precision TX and CO2 resurfacing lasers. Precision TX is a laser that causes the reformation of new collagen in the skin and superficial tissues of the area. CO2 is the gold standard of lasers for targeting deep and superficial wrinkles, addressing sun damage, and evening out skin tone. 

The combination of Precision TX, CO2 laser resurfacing with PRP (Platelet-rich plasma), and MyEllevate delivers beautiful and natural results with minimal downtime. For those with more laxity, MyEllevate may also be combined with a mini facelift or neck lift for enhanced results.  

Why Sanctuary Cosmetic Center? 

Here at Sanctuary Cosmetic Center, we began offering MyEllevate in early 2020 and have performed dozens of procedures with extremely high satisfaction rates. During your thorough complimentary consultation, we’ll take the time to understand your expectations and communicate every step of the MyEllevate procedure. 

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“Dr. Rostami is caring about people’s needs and their desire to feel better in their own skin. She is very serious about her work, and takes her passion very seriously in what she does for other people. She is conservative because she wants you to look your best and I appreciate never giving me more than what I need. She’s a wonderful doctor.”

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Am I A Good Candidate for MyEllevate? 

My Ellevate is the best procedure for those not yet ready for traditional neck lift surgery but would like to enhance the appearance of their neck and tighten the jaw area. The elegant and natural results mostly benefit patients in their 30s to 60s. 

Benefits of MyEllevate 

The biggest benefit of MyEllevate is its minimally invasive techniques that produce results without significant downtime. Although the results may not be as extensive as a traditional neck lift, it can be the perfect fit for patients who are seeing the beginning signs of aging. In some cases, it may even put off the need for a traditional neck lift surgery. 

The MyEllevate Procedure 

MyEllevate is performed by Dr. Rostami at our private, accredited surgical suite. She will review the procedure in detail so you understand each step. Typically, MyEllevate requires only local anesthesia with sedation. Dr. Rostami will create small entry points in the neck and tighten the underlying tissues with specialized sutures. Fat may also be removed. Once complete, you can return home for your recovery. 

Soheila Rostami, MD, FAAO, FAACS

Soheila Rostami, MD, FAAO, FAACS

Medical Director and CEO


Soheila Rostami, MD, FAAO, FAACS, is the Medical Director and CEO of Sanctuary Cosmetic Center in McLean, Virginia. She is passionate about creating individualized…

MyEllevate Results 

MyEllevate requires a few days of recovery, which is significantly less than a neck lift. Dr. Rostami will provide detailed instructions on how to care for your results and practice good aftercare. You may see immediate results, but it can take 1-2 months for swelling to subside and for your final results to emerge. With good anti-aging practices, your results can last many years. 

Schedule a Consultation 

To learn more about MyEllevate, contact Sanctuary Cosmetic Center today. We’re conveniently located to serve the greater Washington, D.C. areas of Arlington, Falls Church, Odrick’s Corner, and McLean. 

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Our private, accredited surgical facility offers you the opportunity for a comfortable, private experience with your procedure. You don’t need to worry about going to the hospital – instead, you can enjoy the amenities of our spa-like environment while you focus on yourself.


We look forward to seeing how we can help you achieve a new level of confidence. Contact our team to set up a private consultation and explore everything we have to offer at Washington, D.C.’s premier cosmetic provider.

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