Is There a Permanent Solution for Eye Bags?

Your eyes are often the first feature people notice about you, so it makes sense that you’d like them to look their best. If you have under-eye bags, your eyes can wind up making you look old, tired, and worn out — but fortunately, there is a solution.

At Sanctuary Cosmetic Center, Soheila Rostami, MD, FAAO, FAACS, helps women and men in McLean and Dulles, Virginia, permanently eliminate under-eye bags with eyelid surgery tailored to their needs and goals. In this post, learn how we can help you eliminate your under-eye bags so you look and feel your best.

How eye bags happen

Under-eye bags can happen at any age because of your genes, but they become a lot more common as we age. Tissue around the eyes begins to weaken, and fat and other tissue drift downward, creating bags and puffiness.

Typically, under-eye bags are a cosmetic issue that makes you look more tired and worn out. But when bags are accompanied by significant skin drooping, the inside of your lid may become exposed, increasing your risk of dry eyes and infections.

Sometimes, under-eye bags are related to an underlying health issue, like allergies or lack of sleep. These bags tend to clear up over time. But under-eye bags due to aging or genetics won’t go away on their own — they need a more permanent solution.

Eliminating eye bags once and for all

While topical products and cosmetics may temporarily decrease the appearance of eye bags, they can’t permanently eliminate them. The best way to get rid of those bags for good is with eyelid surgery on your lower lids.

Also called blepharoplasty, eyelid surgery uses tiny incisions to remove fatty deposits that drag the under eye downward. Once fatty tissue is removed, we eliminate excess skin before closing the incisions. The result is a smoother, more alert, more youthful under-eye appearance.

Plus, with lower-lid blepharoplasty, the incisions are made on the underside of the lid or in the lash line, so any tiny scars are completely hidden. Lower-lid blepharoplasty can be combined with an upper-lid procedure to address dropping, sagging lids that can make you look older, too.

After lower-lid blepharoplasty, you can expect some mild swelling and bruising that can be managed with cool compresses. Complete healing takes a few weeks.

Help your eyes look their best

Although under-eye bags are almost always a cosmetic issue, that doesn’t mean they don’t take a toll on your well-being and self-confidence. To learn how we can help you eliminate those bags once and for all, book an appointment online or over the phone with the team at Sanctuary Cosmetic Center today.


We look forward to seeing how we can help you achieve a new level of confidence. Contact our team to set up a private consultation and explore everything we have to offer at Washington, D.C.’s premier cosmetic provider.

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